Intermax Highlights at Business Blueprint Conference 2024

Intermax Highlights at BB Conference 2024

Intermax Highlights at Business Blueprint Conference 2024

Last April 23-26, the beautiful shores of Shangri-La Mactan in Cebu witnessed a convergence of minds at the Business Blueprint Conference 2024. This international event, known for its comprehensive approach to business growth, was split into two segments: the Business Blueprint Conference for business owners and the iGrow Conference for staff. Representing Intermax, four of our dedicated Filipino staff attended the event, along with our Managing Director, Troy Hagen.

The iGrow Conference was particularly impactful, focusing on marketing, branding, and personal development. A standout session was Lisa McInnes-Smith’s presentation, emphasizing the importance of self-care and striving to be the best version of oneself. Her message of resilience and self-belief, encapsulated in the quote,Being brave isn’t about not feeling scared. Being brave is about what you do even when you do feel scared,” inspired the team to embrace challenges with courage and determination.

This theme of personal bravery resonated deeply with many attendees, reminding them that stepping out of their comfort zones is essential for both personal and professional growth.

Attendees also learned the significance of being more personal when posting on social media and replying to comments, underscoring the need for authenticity and genuine interactions in today’s online landscape.

  • In an age where digital presence is crucial, the ability to connect with audiences on a personal level can significantly impact a brand’s success.

Practical advice on personal presentation, including tips on coordinating outfits through colors, designs, and angles, was discussed, adding a layer of professionalism to personal branding.

  • This advice on presentation was particularly useful for those looking to enhance their professional image both online and offline.

Valuable tips on financial management highlighted practical ways to handle personal expenses effectively.

  • Financial literacy is an often-overlooked aspect of personal development, yet it is crucial for long-term success and stability.
  • The sessions provided actionable insights into budgeting, saving, and investing, equipping attendees with the knowledge to manage their finances better and achieve their financial goals.

Another critical aspect of the conference was the role of communication in building effective teams.

  • Open communication between clients and team members was highlighted, fostering a more cohesive and efficient work environment where ideas can flow freely and tasks are delegated effectively.
  • Effective communication is the backbone of any successful team, and the conference emphasized strategies to improve both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
  • These strategies are expected to enhance team dynamics at Intermax, leading to increased productivity and a more collaborative work culture.

Being in Cebu and connecting with colleagues outside the office environment provided a heartwarming experience for many. Meeting Troy and his family, along with getting to know team members’ little quirks and interesting traits, helped everyone grow closer by spending time together and bonding over the week. This personal connection extended beyond professional interactions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect that is essential for a harmonious workplace.

team images: Majorie P. (Website Specialist) and Abbi R. (Marketing Specialist)

The emphasis on timely and trendy marketing strategies provided practical insights that can be applied to enhance Intermax’s online presence. With the digital landscape constantly evolving, staying updated with the latest marketing trends is crucial.

  • The conference covered a range of topics, from social media marketing and SEO to content creation and media collaborations, providing attendees with a toolkit of strategies to boost their marketing efforts.
  • The conference helped attendees become more efficient, productive, and strategic employees, as well as the best versions of themselves.
  • The sessions were designed to inspire and motivate, encouraging participants to set ambitious goals and pursue them with determination.
This holistic approach to development ensured that attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear action plan for their personal and professional growth.

For many, the conference was not just educational but also enjoyable. The event was well-organized, with standout speakers and a great venue. The iGrow Conference especially left a positive impact on the team, and the weekend spent together in Cebu further strengthened team bonds, proving to be an excellent team-building exercise.

The combination of learning and leisure activities created a balanced experience that was both enriching and fun. From insightful sessions to recreational activities, the conference offered a perfect blend of professional development and relaxation.

business-blueprint-conference speaker

The Business Blueprint and iGrow conferences in Cebu were transformative experiences for the Intermax Pty Ltd team. From learning new strategies in marketing and personal development to building stronger team connections, the event provided invaluable insights and opportunities for growth. Our team returned with renewed inspiration and a commitment to apply the lessons learned to elevate Intermax to new heights.

Here’s to continuous improvement and growth, both personally and professionally! Embrace new challenges, pursue your goals with determination, and never stop striving for excellence. With dedication and a clear vision, the future holds limitless possibilities.

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